Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 1: Setting Apart

Lloyd was set apart as a missionary this morning!  We will be traveling with him to Utah for a short family reunion before he reports to the Mexico City Mission Training Center on July 9.  I made him write down his thoughts and feelings about being set apart so here it is:

Today I was set apart.  I called my mom before hand and said goodbye and also called my grandparents.  My Dad and Rebecca went to President Wheatley's office for me to get set apart.  President Wheatley talked to us about being a missionary.  He had me read 3 Nephi 5:13, which is a scripture that says that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, and I have been called to bring others to salvation and eternal life.  When I read this scripture, I felt the spirt very storngly, and I knew that what I was reading was true.  I love that scripture because it shows what my calling is and what I am supposed to be doing when I am on my mission.  He then told us what I would be doing on my mission and laid sown some ground rules of conduct for me and my father, as my father is my trainer/companion until I get to the MTC.  Then he set me apart, with his hands on my head, as well as my father.  He said many wonderful things, but few of them do I remember.  I know that I felt at peace when he was setting me apart, which was a huge blessing to me because I have been very anxious and had been praying for comfort and peace for a long time.  He then finished and I hugged my dad and Rebecca and I felt very good.  It was a bit odd, because as of 15 minutes earlier I had been apprehensive and nervous and now I was ready and rearing to go and serve.  We then left the Stake Center and drove home.

My father and I talked about what my calling would entail and he shared many great stories and experiences from his mission.  I was felling the spirit all day and I felt very good and happy and at peace through the entire day.  My father then said how I was going to hold the title of Elder, for probably the only time in my life, which is the same title as the General Authorities.  I was awestruck, as the GA's are amazing people whose testimony is incredible and I share something with them in the church.   I felt very humbled and blessed to be able to serve a mission and to serve the people of Panama.


It was a special day.  We were told to begin calling Lloyd Elder Berg rather than Lloyd or even Gomer (his nickname), and that was a little hard.  I probably called him Gomer and Lloyd a dozen times, but hey, old habits die hard.

More to come!

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