Sunday, April 10, 2016

Last Conference in the Mission Field

We have reached the point of Lloyd's mission where he is starting to have  lasts.  This was his last time he will watch General Conference as a missionary.  We got his travel arrangements this past week and he will be  returning home June 23.  The countdown begins!

Conference was awesome, but it was my last one. I am getting scared, everyone is saying I am going to be great at home and be a bishop or something. I will just stay single forever, never get a calling!! I went on divisiones yesterday, it was awesome, went to my old area, with a family that is progressing supperrrr slowly, so i went there. And we taught a huge lesson about prayer, and then when we wrapped up, boom. I told the wife to pray, because she was having trouble asking specifically if this was the right church. so i told her, in the closing prayer, to ask if this was the true church. So she starts praying, and says "God" and boom, just starting bawling, and asked if it was true. After the prayer continued to cry, and we pray holding hands with this family, and she wouldn't let go. and then the husband prayed, asking if it was true. And after the prayer, I asked her how she felt, and she just said "your church is true..." and continued to cry, and the husband said that he felt a huge sense of peace when he was asking, it was awesome.